Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BBQ tempeh lettuce wraps

I am slightly obsessed with lettuce wraps, and I enjoy creating new variations. I usually make a traditional Asian-style wrap, but tonight I tried a BBQ version.

I based this off of a recipe for BBQ tacos, and I thought it might be interesting with a lettuce cup instead of a tortilla.

These are very easy to make. I sautéed cubed tempeh in a little grapeseed oil until it started to brown, then I added chopped onions and a little diced jalapeño. Once the onions were soft, I added a drained can of kidney beans and the BBQ sauce and let that simmer until the sauce was no longer runny. For this dish I prefer a sweeter  BBQ sauce, and I recommend OrganicVille's Tangy BBQ Sauce with agave nectar (I get it at Whole Foods). 

While that was cooking, I washed my lettuce cups. I used the hydroponic bibb lettuce you can buy with the roots still attached (usually comes in a plastic container). 

To serve, I put the tempeh/bean mixture in a bowl with a heaping spoonful of pico de gallo on top and set it on a plate with the lettuce cups. Then, all I had to do was grab a lettuce cup and load it up with a scoop of the mixture! Bon appetit!

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